07 March 2023

Small Fire Risk / Massive Consequences - Solving The Problem

Recently we hosted an FSM webinar discussing how small fire risks can generate massive consequences and how our FirePro systems can help mitigate those risks.

Following the highly recommended book publication 'catastrophe and systemic change' following the Grenfell tragedy, well respected, author 'Gill Kernick, has written a thought-provoking, and compelling read discussing the evolution of a number of facets regarding approaches, behavior, and evolution of Legislation for fire safety in the UK. The book is available on Amazon - Catastrophe and Systemic Change: Learning from the Grenfell Tower Fire and Other Disasters (Perspectives)

Part of the publication discusses catastrophic (low probability, high consequence) events.

When taking the recently introduced Fire Safety Regulations for high rise, complex, and other premises, the consideration for managing small or low probability fire risks that may have high consequences, to either life safety or mission critical operation, FirePro technology, may be considered as a local fire suppression mitigating measure.

You can watch the webinar on-demand HERE.

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