
Car Park Fire Protection

Enclosed vehicle storage and parking areas require highly reliable early warning of fire, not forgetting total immunity against false alarms.

The Securiton ADW 535 linear heat detection system is a highly practical and reliable solution, using a sensing tube that monitors and reports changes in ambient air pressure.

The sensing pipework (dependent on application) may be teflon, copper of stainless steel. This may be installed above each vehicle bay for optimum sensitivity. The maximum length of tube run is 120 metres, for EN54-22 compliant systems, or up to 200 metres where EN compliance is not required.

The system is fully programmable and will not be affected by changes in external temperature with the use of a reference detector to auto compensate alarm thresholds. Data may also be programmed to an SD card for analysis of ambient temperature movements. Programmable outputs are provided for alarm signalling to local relay banks which in turn may control BMS / smoke ventilation systems, SMS text alert, fire alarm and the like. Click here for specification details. 

For general enquiries click here.

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