
Retro Fit

HFC 227ea /C02  and other pressurised gas fire suppression systems all have their place in the market. They require 10 year mandatory hydrostatic cylinder testing, and environmental credentials that may conflict with ethical policies, besides the increased cost of ownership. So when is it time to call time on an aged or obsolete fixed gas suppression system?


Fixed gas suppression systems have changed since the cessation of Halon 1301. Before that C02 was considered as the ideal fire suppression agent, with strict operating considerations for occupant safety.

Relying on aged gas suppression can have disastrous consequences as reported by Coltraco - please click here for details.

If you have a an aged or obsolete HFC227ea or C02 installation and still require the risk to be protected, with a network of trained distributors covering the UK & Ireland, we have the products and the trained expertise to retrofit and upgrade the fire suppression to a safer alternative in FirePro.

FirePro has a certified 15 year operating lifespan, and is fully portable (meaning if you move premises, you find a distributor that will de-commission the units to take with you and re-engineer the same into a new installation) which is nigh on impossible with pressurised gas and water systems.

There are no over pressure venting or dedicated extract requirements, it is safe, environmentally friendly and has higher tolerances to poor room integrity, with far lower cost of ownership.

FirePro may not be suited to replace systems in all applications however a survey will cost only your time to accompany one of our trained distributors.

Watch our MD Tony Hanley explain how FirePro can aid the solution for retrofit - here. 

FirePro is certificated and listed by BRE under the LPCB scheme and can be seen here.

To see more on FirePro Click here.

For general enquiries click here.

We’re here to help

Call 08000 314333